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2023 Analysis

GM crops: global socio-economic and environmental impacts 1996-2020

Press release /pdf/pressreleaseoct2022_01.pdf

Full report /pdf/Globalimpactbiotechcropsfinalreportoctober2022(1).pdf

Peer review paper links

Full article: Genetically Modified (GM) Crop Use 1996–2020: Impacts on Carbon Emissions (

Full article: Genetically Modified (GM) Crop Use 1996–2020: Environmental Impacts Associated with Pesticide Use Change (

Full article: Farm income and production impacts from the use of genetically modified (GM) crop technology 1996-2020 (

Feeding Britain sustainably




Mandatory labelling of crop biotechnology-derived foods is a failed regulatory policy: Here's why.



European Court ruling on neonicotinoids further highlights muddle created by ongoing EU regulatory inconsistency and dysfunction


Feeding the UK sustainably: time for policy inaction to end
